A self guide to get you through the hard times.

COVID19 is a horrible pandemic that sees many people infected and/ or possibly dying due to lack of knowledge and understanding.

At times, many people don't realize they have COVID19 until they develop symptoms and the 14 day isolation is what people must do when they realize they have the illness.

Below is a few things you can do during the lockdown period that can be used if you have COVID19 or if you are isolating if you have been near a hot or in mandatory lockdown.

10 things to do during a COVID19 lockdown or isolation.

- Do a house tidy-up.
- Have a cup of coffee in the sunny spot in your house.
- Clean the kids toy room.
- Bake a cake (get the ingredient's from a woolies delivery) as its contactless but it costs around $15.
- Do some coloring in in an adult coloring book.
- Have a chat to a friend on the phone and just relax.
- Tidy up your computer by arranging the files into folders.
- Go on YouTube and listen to some relaxation music or ocean waves.
- Try to learn a new language using the Babble app.
- Do a budget and work out where you can save more for your next holiday.

Sometimes having a "me" day is so important. Why not use the 14 days off everything a "me" day and learn to love yourself again.

Until next time, have a good weekend and ill talk soon, Shane Bentley.


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