Id firstly like to honour and show respect to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and to acknowledge that the Australian land was, is and will always be theirs.

NAIDOC week is a beautiful time of year. We celebrate together the wonderful achievements, history and culture of our Aboriginal people.

NAIDOC Week 2021

From now until the 11th of July, lets celebrate together and you know what? even after the 11th of July, lets become one with our cultures. It's one thing to celebrate on to a calendar year, but why not celebrate forever together? Otherwise its like going to church on christmas day but forgetting Jesus and what he meant for the rest of the year.
We are One

Lets educate ourselves to become more understanding of the issues and problems that our Aboriginal people face and lets stamp out racism and encourage togetherness.

Happy NAIDOC week 2021, Shane Bentley.


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