In life, there are many ups and downs, strong times and weak times happy times and sad times. Self care can really help.

I'm going to say something in a minute that will change your life forever... "It's all about you."

We have to have the mindset sometimes when things get rough, that it's all about us. Not the mentality of "I am better than everyone" but the mindset that "I matter as well."

Do you ever take the time to think about what you need? What you want to do? What do you want to eat?

I guess what I am trying to get across is that sometimes a "me" day or week is important.

Put in for some time off work if you have it available, and sit in front of the TV and don't worry about work or anyone apart from the immediate family.

Self care is so important... I know for me with my mental health issues, I need to take about 6 hours a day just to be kind to myself because If I don't, I can get unwell.

Please share with friends and family on social media...

And remember, if you cant be good, be good at it!

Shane Bentley


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