Things go wrong, people change, people pass, money doesn't last forever and we can either let it bring us down or we can let it shape us into who we are meant to be.

As someone who goes through a lot of stuff on a daily basis, I can guarantee you that things in life will go wrong, we may lose our jobs, our family members or friends may die or maybe your being stalked or harassed and you think it won't get better, whatever is going on, its ok to not be ok and it's ok to be a little uncomfortable from time to time.

Love is rarely found in someone else when we don't love ourselves and when we love who we are, we can healthily love others.

But, about the heading "It is what it is" when things get rough, we we feel down, when we lose hope, look at a pet or something that means something to you and say out loud, "I am thankful to be me"

Looking in the mirror is something I personally hate doing because sometimes I feel ugly, but I have to be brave and say "Look, I am chosen by God to look like this and even if i don't feel that I look good on the outside, my inner man is amazing"

Feel free to comment if you need some help and I can maybe find an article to help you out.

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Have a great night you sexy person you... Shane Bentley.


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