As someone who has severe mental health diagnosis, I can say that life has been, is and will always be harder for me and harder than it is for most of the population. It’s a journey.
It takes great courage and determination to live independently and to access external services whilst being an NDIS participant.
I've been through a lot of dark and gloomy times, however I have always come out on top.
How do I get help?
It’s hard, your world is caving in, your friends won’t pick up the phone and you feel rejected, you may have lost your job and it’s seems like it’s all too much.
Keeping going is hard, especially when things go wrong but it will always work out. Trust me, I’ve been there and I still am going through it.
When life throws you lemons, try and make lemonade out of them. I guess I am trying to say that if we all do our bit to contribute to the situations, it will get better sooner rather than later.
5 things to do when in crisis
- Talk to a professional immediately. Even if it’s just an appointment you make, it’s still closer than you were before you made the appointment.
- Go for a walk and walk hard for as long as you can to help release endorphin.
- Get some “me” time. Watch a movie, invite a friend over for dinner and a chat.
- Buy a tea or coffee in the community and just sip it.
- Buy some junk food, oily and salty food helps me feel better.
Allow your body to heal, your mind to reset and your situation should reduce.
If you’re dealing with domestic violence, crime or addicted to drugs, contact the police, and a rehab if it’s drugs that you are on and you are ready to get off them.
You can also call lifeline on 13 11 14 or the mental health hotline on 1800 011 511.
Until next weekend, Shane Bentley.
Get the all new AirPods Pro here. You deserve something special.
It takes great courage and determination to live independently and to access external services whilst being an NDIS participant.
I've been through a lot of dark and gloomy times, however I have always come out on top.
How do I get help?
It’s hard, your world is caving in, your friends won’t pick up the phone and you feel rejected, you may have lost your job and it’s seems like it’s all too much.
Keeping going is hard, especially when things go wrong but it will always work out. Trust me, I’ve been there and I still am going through it.
When life throws you lemons, try and make lemonade out of them. I guess I am trying to say that if we all do our bit to contribute to the situations, it will get better sooner rather than later.
5 things to do when in crisis
- Talk to a professional immediately. Even if it’s just an appointment you make, it’s still closer than you were before you made the appointment.
- Go for a walk and walk hard for as long as you can to help release endorphin.
- Get some “me” time. Watch a movie, invite a friend over for dinner and a chat.
- Buy a tea or coffee in the community and just sip it.
- Buy some junk food, oily and salty food helps me feel better.
Allow your body to heal, your mind to reset and your situation should reduce.
If you’re dealing with domestic violence, crime or addicted to drugs, contact the police, and a rehab if it’s drugs that you are on and you are ready to get off them.
You can also call lifeline on 13 11 14 or the mental health hotline on 1800 011 511.
Until next weekend, Shane Bentley.
Get the all new AirPods Pro here. You deserve something special.
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